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  下面与大家分享小学英语阅读练习:My family

  My family

  I am an American boy,My name is Jim.I am a middle school student.I am thirteen.My father is a worker.My mother is a teacher.They are thirty-eight years old.I don`t have a brother or sister.But I have a friend in my family.It`s Huanhuan,a nice dog.Ilove my father and mother.I love my Huan huan.


  ( )1、There are people in Jim`s family A、two B、three C、four

  ( )2、Jim`s father and mother are A、thirty-five B、thirty-six C、thirty-eight

  ( )3、Jim is A、English B、American C、Japanese

  ( )4、Jim has a A、brother B、sister D、a nice dog

  ( )5、Jim is A、thirteen B、fourteen D、fifteen

  My father is at home

  One afternoon John plays football in front of a house with his friends.A young woman comes up and asks him,“John,is your father at home?”“Yes,he is”answers John.Then the young woman goes over to press the bell.The bell rings and rings,but no one comes to open the door.The young woman gets angry and calls to him,“You tell me your father is at home,don't you?”“Yes,my father is at home.But my home isn't here.”


  1.( )One _______John and his friends_________in front of a house.

  A.evening;play basketball B.afternoon;play football C.morning;do homework

  2.( )John and his friends are_________a house.

  A.in B.at C.outside

  3.( )A young woman comes up and asks________a question.

  A.John B.John's friends C.John's father

  4.( )Is John's father at home? A.Yes B.No C.I don't know

  5.( )No one comes to open the door because_________

  A. John's father doesn't want to meet her

  B. there is no one in that house

  C. John tells her a lie

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小学英语阅读分享:My family

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